I have never really been a feminist. I think there might have been a small window of time, when I first graduated high school that I might have been leaning that way, but I quickly found the faults in the movement and abandoned those beliefs. When Milo touted the Feminism is Cancer vibe, I applauded him. Feminism teaches women to be perpetual victims. The ideal of feminism rests on the notion that women will always be perpetually discriminated against and so they need more government programs to level the playing field. These beliefs are diametrically opposed to what they say they want to do, empower women. You don’t empower someone by advocating that they rely on someone else, in this case the government, and to always play the victim. You empower someone by teaching them to better themselves, rise above their adversities, and rely on themselves to lift themselves out of dire circumstances. You teach them the skills they need to accomplish their goals and encourage them to pursue them. But all I see feminism do is tell women why they can’t succeed.
I’m saying all this because what I’m about to say makes me feel like a feminist but I have to say it. I know other people are thinking it. I know a lot of people are afraid to speak up because they don’t want to be black balled by their job or friends. I honestly don’t care either way. I can not sit idly by and let this farce go on. What I see going on in society regarding women alarms me. Society is striping away what it means to be a woman and living under some strange delusion. Let me explain to you what I mean.
I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw a pic of a google search regarding men and menstruation. The main search result said, yes men can menstruate. Um, excuse me, WHAT? No, I’m sorry! Men do not have periods. You have to have a uterus to have a period and men do not have uteruses. You can be a woman pretending to be a man and have a period, but you are STILL a woman. You can have cosmetic surgery to try to look more like a man, but you genetically are still a woman.
Catlyn Jenner and Rachel Levine were called “women of the year” for their courage to come out as transgender and were applauded by society. Every woman should be outraged by that. These men did not go through the rites of passage almost every woman goes through. Did these men go through puberty as a woman? No! Did they have the experience of getting their period at an inopportune time and have to walk around with a coat tied around their waist to hide a blood stain? No! Did these men have to deal with horrid period cramps that debilitated them? No! They know nothing about the struggles of womanhood. These men got to where they are now as men and then decided to be women.
We are increasingly seeing women’s sport being taken over by mediocre male athletes winning titles that should rightfully be going to women. How can anyone be ok with this? Women’s sports are there to give women the opportunity to play sports on a level playing field. We all know men have a physical advantage to women because of the level of testosterone in their body. I know that is a very basic understanding and it’s way more complicated than that. But we can not continue to pretend that just because someone all of a sudden decides to identify as a woman, theses advantages automatically disappear.
Women who transition to men are having babies and society is saying that now men can have babies too. There are calls to change the term mother to “birthing person” so we don’t offend these “men” having babies. This again should outrage women. I’m proud to be called mother. I’m not some genderless piece of flesh that pushed out a baby. I am a woman. I see this as part of a bigger agenda to make us all one genderless blob of a society. Where we all look the same, have no set societal roles, and where gender doesn’t exist. This is such slippery slope. While I am fine with individuals being who they want to be but don’t strip away the things that make me who I am and force me to participate in your delusion. For societies to function properly and to continue there needs to be specific roles. There needs to be cohesion. All I’m seeing from the movement is more division.
I lived in Portland, Oregon and knew 3 young women who were in the process of transitioning to men. All three of them had their breasts removed in their early 20’s. How is this ok? My daughter wanted to have her tubes tied in her 20’s because she doesn’t want to have children but no doctor she talked to would do it because she might change her mind. So tell me how permanently removing your breasts is any different? A few years ago, I watched a documentary on people who identify as amputees and wanted to have limbs removed, but they were treated as mentally ill. Tell me how wanting to change your gender is any different?
I know that you can’t just point to one of these things that women go through and say, yes that makes you a woman. It is the culmination of these experiences that make you a woman. And I know there are varying degrees of womanhood and not all women go through the same things. But my fear is that our society is increasingly becoming one big mass delusion where black is white, square is round, and if you don’t go along with it, you’re ostracized. We can not continue to allow this perversion of the truth to exist. We must fight it every step of the way. If we don’t stop it, society as we know it will no longer exist and I shutter to think of the dystopian nightmare that will replace it.
You know, even if you think you'd be immune from the tranny crap, you can be wrong. I have a great-nephew down in Texas who recently decided he'd rather be a great-niece. Last weekend, as we had gathered in the Florida panhandle for the wedding of an actual girl-type niece, I had a brief conversation with my older sister, who's the tranny's grandmother, and I simply said that, while I didn't want to cause pain to someone who obviously already has issues, I'm also a sane human being, and I don't do "compelled speech," such as calling guys by girls' names or by female pronouns. So my plan was (and is) just to avoid the situation by staying away from places and times at which I'd have to address the kid at all. This caused my sister to explode and immediately bail and go back to Texas, although she did seem to have stopped an hour later to send me a thermonuclear text in which she said she should have expected such "intolerance" from me.
If people want to voluntarily step through the gates of madness, I can't stop them. But I sure as hell am not obliged to follow them.
Genesis 1:27: "And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
Yes, Felonious One, you are a WOMAN, which is a cause for celebration to us all. And, as my brother said, "I can say I'm a rocket ship, but I ain't getting to the moon, no matter how many times I say it."
When my youngest son was about five years old he said to me “Daddy, I want to be a girl”. Hiding my concern I said “Why son”. He replied, “because girls have those things on their chest and I like them”. I laughed and said “yes, I like them too son, I like them too”.